
    Thursday, November 15, 2012

    The Three Common Objections In Lead Generation

    When we are in conducting a lead generation campaign, we know that generating sales leads can be a pain. After all, there will be business prospects that will be objecting to what you are offering. As a marketer, it is your job to know how to best handle these objections. There are three common reasons that prospects give out to block appointment setting attempts. So, how will you work around them?

    1. “I can get it cheaper from another supplier” – this statement can be handled by attacking on the sides. Focus on the three things smart investors look for: quality, service, and price. While it may be true that a company offering all three is near non-existent, try asking him what he is really after. You might be surprised at what he needs. 
    2. “I have a friend in your business that supplies me” – you can also take care of this by saying that with you, the prospect can negotiate until he gets what he wants. Suggest that this is something that he may not be able to get with his friend. 
    3.  “I worked with you before and I did not like your service” – you now know that this is an unhappy client. Apologize immediately then, let them know that you have resolved the problem, and that you will personally take care of this so it will not happen again.

    Now, in order to maximize results, it is best that you use telemarketing on this. You can communicate your message better, as well as increase your chances of generating B2B leads.

    Thursday, September 27, 2012

    Raising Prices? Get Your Lead Generation Work Right

    When things get tough in Australia, like what is happening now to the financial industry, raising prices is not a form of greed. Rather, it could be the only way for you to survive. But how can you raise prices without alienating your current customers? That is a challenge faced by a lot of firms, especially when that issue comes into play during a B2B lead generation campaign. Generating sales leads is hard, so you need to keep whatever current customers you have. But you also need to raise prices, too. So how can you strike a balance? How can your lead generation campaign help you in this task?

    1. Tell them the real reason – credibility is crucial here so you need to be honest with your customers. One of the reasons customers reject appointment setting attempts is when they feel like they were being lied to.
    2.  Warn them, way ahead of time – ample warnings of price increases can help cushion the impact. Perhaps the best way to do this is through a telemarketing-based lead generation campaign. In this way, you can directly inform your customers about impending changes in price.
    3. Give discounts to your existing customers – show that you value your customers by giving them discounts, putting the bulk of your increase instead to your new customers. This will help make your clients stay, and reduce your need for new financial leads.

    Now, negotiations and lead generation is tough work, and you may not be good at it, so you might have to outsource to a professional appointment setting agency.

    Friday, September 21, 2012

    Lead Generation? It Is A Smart Investment

    Ever wondered why you are suffering from poor sales? It is probably because you are missing on a lot of B2B leads that pass you buy. To capture them, you need to take a more concrete step in your marketing campaign. Among these steps is through a good lead generation and appointment setting campaign. And in case you, yourself, do not have the knowledge or the skills to properly execute the campaign; it will be an advisable resort for you and your business to outsource the work to a professional lead generation firm that will do the job for you.

    Despite what pundits are saying about letting other firms find other businesses for you, you will agree that this is a necessary investment. Given the variety of communication tools to use in reaching prospects: email, search engine marketing, social media, as well as telemarketing, you will understand the need to hire people who have a deeper know-how over these methodologies. And in case you are trying to enter a market not in your locality, you will need the assistance of those who knows about the local culture and norms observed. This will ensure that your business can get the B2B leads that you need.

    All that remains is for you to choose the right group of appointment setters. There are a lot of them around, that is true, but it has to be one whose work ethics and values will be in harmony with your own company and employees. It is an investment in marketing.

    Thursday, June 28, 2012

    Hope Vs. Strategy, How To Find Leads Properly

    A lead generation plan should always be in place when you start rolling out marketing campaigns. It's not about showing your product to the world but showing your product to your sales leads. These are the people who should matter. If they didn't think much of your lead generation marketing campaign, then it is a failure. Even if it was able to reach a wide audience, if there isn't even one person who signed up for a newsletter, a demo, or made a purchase, then it is a failure. If, after your campaign, your telemarketing list or business list is still composed of the same contact information as before you did any marketing, then it was a failure.

    This means that your marketing campaign was not well thought out, without any specific criteria that was used to narrow down your target sales leads so that you could tailor your marketing campaign to specifically attract their attention. Marketing plans such as this are based on hope and would provide very little chance for profits. Hope is also the factor that directs a reactive company.

    If you want your company to be more successful and profitable, you should start creating plans for all your company's actions, and these should be based on concrete facts, not hopeful thinking and general assumptions. By being proactive (and innovative), you stand to lead the industry or niche in which you do business. Whether you’re looking for sales leads or business leads, always have a clear-cut plan on how to connect with them, take the initiative to reach out, and plan a strategy to convert these connections into profitable long-term assets.

    Wednesday, February 8, 2012

    Conducting a Database Cleaning Task Through The Help of Telemarketing

    There are a lot of companies these days that wish to create the most accurate business list or calling list from the present market. For cases like these, it would be good idea to work with a reliable lead generation company around. Such a company is certainly among the best when it comes to retrieving qualified leads, as well as performing professional database cleanup tasks. They can actually improve the level of productivity in your business operation. By conducting a database cleaning task, you can be sure that you are getting the best information that can possibly have. It is even easier now with the help of modernized telemarketing. All that remains is for you to hire the right database cleaning service provider.

    This is a good business strategy that you can use. Whether in the short run or in the long run, this can be the answer that you will need.

    Tuesday, February 7, 2012

    Boosting Your Business Operations with the Help of Good IT Leads

    For many information technology firms, cornering a good portion of your market depends entirely on how skilled is the IT lead generation company that you hired. After all, they are the people responsible for B2B leads. The use of qualified sales leads plays an important role in your sales operations, since these can help you serve your market better. It can also provide you with a lot of information about better business opportunities. By working with a telemarketing company, you can be sure that the telemarketers hired can perform the lead generation campaign with skill and professionalism. They can generate the sales leads that you need. All you have to do is to convert them into a deal.

    A good lead generation services provider is a very profitable business investment. There are so many things that you can gain with their help. Technology leads are the stuff that can keep your business going.

    Tuesday, January 31, 2012

    Outsourcing To Appointment Setting With a Reliable Lead Generation Company

    If anything, the use of lead generation for software products and services in order to produce B2B leads for your company is a very important business strategy. The point here is that qualified leads are a very hard asset to generate, and your company may not have the mans to get them on your own. For this reason, outsourcing the job to professional appointment setting services can actually do a good job. Such sales lead not only will help you get more business into your firm, but also improve the service you give to customers.

    As a business investment, working with a reliable software lead generation company is something that should be seriously considered. Thanks to advancements in telemarketing methodologies, as well as the ever-evolving skills of telemarketers, you can be assured that the leads you get are of the highest quality. Not only that, by working with responsible agencies to get more software leads, you are ensuring your company’s continued profitability in the long run.